Monday, January 7, 2008

The January Slump

Lots of people feel depressed at this time of year. The holidays are over, the treats have been devoured, the weight has been gained and the bills are coming in. Tis the season to be sorry. So what’s a person to do? Well, you could do as the Romans do and feed people to the lions, but I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in most countries.

Most people go into hibernation mode. I like to hunker down with a good book, a heavy quilt and more treats. I figure that acquiring extra layers of fat is the only way to fight off that chill I seem to always carry around at this time of year. More fat means less oil consumption (of the petroleum variety - I inhale plenty of the other stuff) and that means I am doing my job as a citizen of this planet. I am saving precious resources and I am supporting all those people who make food for a living.

Go me!

The month of January (and February, possibly March) doesn’t have to be depressing. You can think of this time as an opportunity to regroup…to prepare for Spring. I figure I don’t have anything else to do so I use the time to catch up on all sorts of indoor activities. Sorting socks, for instance. Or I might actually take on the dust bunnies gathering beneath my bed. I’d better go after them soon, though, I think they are preparing for battle. I can hear their drums at night as I try to sleep. It’s keeping me awake. They want revenge for all those Cadbury eggs I keep stealing from their kind.

I like to catch up on my reading at this time of year. One particular book I like is The Chronicle of Anaedor: The Prophecies. You know why I like it so much? Because I wrote it! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Did you know that people can go mad from cabin fever? I’m sure that won’t happen to me, but watch for signs of it in yourself. Here are the symptoms: excessive sweating, irritability, bloating, food cravings, depression, restlessness… Wait, maybe that’s PMS. Either way, look out!

So, in sum, if you notice that my blogs start sounding a little strange over the next couple of months, beware! In the meantime, eat.


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